Bilbao Multimodal Services

Nowadays certain functional areas at companies tend to be outsourced at all levels, including commercial activity.

In the transport and logistics sector, shipping companies, agencies and other transport operators often fail to convey their full portfolio of commercial services to potential customers. At the same time companies need to focus mainly on other, more fundamental aspects of their business, which means they often do not have the time or ability to access the information that they need to supply themselves or their customers on time at an affordable cost.

BILBAO MULTIMODAL SERVICES seeks to serve as a link between these two realities, providing suitable channels of communication between logistic operators and service users.

Transportation and Logistics Consultancy Services

Consultancy in logistics and transportation

We analyse the key indicators in the logistics of our customers and develop logistics consultancy projects throughout the supply chain.

We help to implement and improve processes and meet all supply and provisioning needs.

Selection of transport service providers

We help to select transport service providers and logistics operators according to geographical criteria, sectoral specialisation, etc.

Once a provider is selected, we offer monitoring and quality control of services in accordance with the commitments required.

Agency and Commercial Delegation

We act as commercial agents of logistics operators in our geographical area of influence.

The logistics operator supplies and invoices clients directly, while the agency is paid a commission agreed with the principal.

The Company

More information about us, news about us and our location and contact details.